Books to Read While the Algae Grow in Your Fur, September 2009
- Alexander
Rosenberg, Economics: Mathematical Politics or Science of
Diminishing Returns?
- Rosenberg is a philosopher of science focused on biology and neo-classical
economics. This is his second attempt at assessing the latter. (I haven't
read his first go-round and it doesn't seem to be necessary.) Ordinarily, he
says, the goal of science is to make increasing accurate and precise
predictions about the world. (This includes the historical sciences like
geology and paleontology, which predict new evidence rather than new events at
definite future times. [Different branches of astronomy actually make both
kinds of predictions.]) Economics, however, is incredibly bad at prediction
— certainly at the improving-precision part. Rosenberg does not argue
this point very strongly, taking it to be more or less obvious to anyone
familiar with the state of economics, and I'm inclined to agree. This picture
might be complicated by a detailed consideration of applied econometric models,
but even when those work, they are very poorly grounded in economic
theory*. (Incidentally, one of the pleasures of reading this was seeing
Rosenberg assault Friedman's "Methodology of Positive Economics" essay, whose
influence has been profound and utterly malign.) Rosenberg then has two
questions: (1) if economics does share the usual goal of science, what are its
prospects for achieving it? (2) if it does not have that goal, what
is it trying to achieve — or, perhaps, better, what is the kind of thing
economists do and want to keep doing fitted to achieve?
- As to (1) he is intensely skeptical, because he sees microeconomic
explanations as grounded in intentional explanations, a not-too-compelling
formalization of folk psychology (desires mapping to utility functions and
beliefs to subject probability distributions). He is extremely skeptical, on
strictly philosophical grounds, about intentional explanations being made much
better in the future than they have been through recorded history. He is also
skeptical that we could ever have something like a cognitive-scientific or
neuro-scientific theory which explains behavior and recovers folk psychology as
a useful approximation in certain domains; I completely fail to follow his
argument here. What I seem to understand would imply that he thinks
thermostats and self-guided missiles are impossible, so if I am right he should
really listen to Uncle Norbert,
especially before
the inevitable robot
uprising (I can just see his last words being, a la pp. 142--143, "this
robot can't really be trying to kill me, because if that intention were
represented in one part of its computational system, \( l_1 \) , who is
the interpreter who treats the configuration of memory registers in \(
l_1 \) as expressing this goal? Surely it must be some other sub-system, call
it \( l_2 \) , which reads \( l_1 \) , but then we face the same question all
over again for \( l_2 \) — urk!"); but no doubt I am wrong and he has
some more reasonable idea which he does not, however, convey. The resounding
experimental failure of maximizing-subjectively-expected-utility theory is not
addressed. (Perhaps this was less clear in 1994 than it is now, but I doubt
it.) I suspect that he would feel any of the models of choice proposed in
behavioral economics are subject to much the same critique as the one he makes
of conventional microeconomics, because they're basically intentional.
- As to (2), Rosenberg argues as follows. There is a three-way relationship
between a discipline's goals, its theories, and its methods: given the goals
(say, maximizing predictive accuracy), the theories tell us something about how
well different methods will meet the goals. Likewise if you fix the goals and
methods, only certain kinds of theories will be acceptable or reachable. And
if you fix the theories and methods, you constrain the goals you can attain.
(Rosenberg's argument here is very close to that of Larry Laudan in his great
book Science
and Values, and I think it's correct.) If we take neo-classical
methods and theories as given, what might economics be successfully
aiming at? Clearly not, by the previous argument, scientific prediction.
Rather, Rosenberg offers two possibilities, not mutually exclusive. On the one
hand, maybe it's really a species of hyper-formalized social-contract theory
from political philosophy, with (as he says) the Walrasian auctioneer in the
role of Hobbes's sovereign. Or: maybe it's a species of applied mathematics,
interested in the implications of interacting transitive preference orderings.
As he says, applied mathematicians are rarely interested in whether their math
can, in fact, be applied to the real world — that's not their
- Excusing economics's poor track-record as an empirical science by saying
it's really political philosophy and/or applied math may be a defense
worse than the original accusation. As Rosenberg notes, it makes the idea of
attending to what economists have to say about policy matters rather odd; at
best one should listen to them as much as to any other sect of political
philosophers. I would suspect that Rosenberg was proposing this maliciously,
but he seems to be sincere and not just good at writing with a straight face.
I don't think economics is in quite such a plight as he does, but
having just put the book down I admit I'm hard-pressed to articulate why.
- *: For instance, when real business cycle theorists
and their kin fit dynamic stochastic "general equilibrium"** models to
empirical time-series of macro-economic quantities, these time series are first
de-trended, i.e., made stationary. This has no justification in the
representative-agent story underlying the models, but seems, at present, to be
essential to actually getting estimates. Typically the de-trending is done
the "Hodrick-Prescott"
filter***, again with no theoretical justification, and the business cycle
is operationally defined as "the residuals of the filter". I suspect
that most of the predictive ability of DSGEs comes from the filter, plus
implicitly doing a moving-average smoothing of the residuals. It would be
interesting to pit them against economically-naive nonparametric forecasting
(along say these
- **: I use the scare-quotes because I don't agree that representative agent
models are general equilibrium models.
- ***: Known in statistics decades
before Hodrick and Prescott
as a
spline". (The word "spline" does not appear in their paper, and they are
entirely innocent of the vast literature on how much smoothing to
- Sarah Graves, Wreck the Halls
- More cozy comfort-reading about
sordid multiple homicide. (But whatever happened to Sam's girlfriend from the
previous book?) — Sequels.
- John Billheimer, Highway Robbery
- Well-written, amusing and absorbing mystery novel about a family of highway
engineers in West Virginia. The only thing keeping it from being
perfect-for-me mind-candy is that part of the plot turns on making fun of
environmentalists; but you can't have everything. This is the second book in a
series; I've not read the others but will look them up. — Book 1.
- Bent Jesper Christensen and Nicholas
M. Kiefer, Economic
Modeling and Inference
- Review: An Optimal Path to a Dead End.
- Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez, Locke and Key, vol. 2: Head Games
- High-grade comic book mind-candy. Definitely needs the earlier
- Chelsea Cain, Evil at Heart
- Great, if somewhat stomach-turning, mind-candy. (Probably
needs the earlier books.) I actually
wish Cain did more with the media-frenzy angle, however.
- Possible continuity error: Isn't Susan awfully
unconcerned about leaving her car alone in really dodgy neighborhoods, after
she broke out one of its windows?
- Thomas
Levenson, Newton and the Counterfeiter: The Unknown Detective Career
of the World's Greatest Scientist
- Or: Newton demands the noose. — A wonderfully readable little
biography of Newton, with the hook of looking at how he tackled his second
career as Warden of the Mint, in charge of actually producing the English
currency, and of catching and punishing counterfeiters. In particular,
Levenson focuses on Newton's pursuit of a counterfeiter of particular skill and
one William
Chaloner, providing a great opportunity to explain the criminal underworld
in which such figures lived, and the vast opportunities opening up for them as
a result of the social transformations of which Newton was at once symbol,
beneficiary and further driver. (Any idiot understands stealing a hunk of
metal, and almost any idiot can grasp substituting pewter for silver, but the
higher reaches of monetary crime require numeracy and comfort with
sophisticated abstractions.) This is, in short, a portrait of the foundations
of our world being laid, from the intellectual system of rational scientific
explanation, to states powerful enough to enforce written laws on millions and
raise the funds needed to wage war across the world, to through global commerce
and flows of money, and stock-market Ponzi schemes in which geniuses lose
fortunes. Enthusiastically recommended if any of this sounds the least bit
- Kat Richardson, Vanished
- Mind-candy: An American shaman in London. Ends in media res,
though not with a cliff-hanger.
- Halbert
White, Estimation, Inference, and Specification Analysis
- Review: How to Tell That
Your Model Is Wrong; and, What Happens Afterwards.
- House of Mystery: Love Stories for Dead People
- More tales from the bar,
plus a really unfortunate basement.
- Tiziano Scalvi et al., The Dylan Dog Case Files
- No purchase link because I actually dis-recommend it: predictable, tedious,
implausible, not scary, excruciating when it tries to be funny, ultimately
tiresome. (The drawing is I admit pretty good, but nowhere near the covers
Mignola provides for the translated edition.) Is this really that
popular in Italy? If so, does the original have virtues which did not survive
translation, or does the old country simply have no taste at all in
- Phil and Kaja Foglio, Agatha Heterodyne and the Circus of
Dreams and Agatha Heterodyne and the Clockwork Princess
- Volumes 4 and 5 of Girl Genius.
Go read.
- I. J. Parker, The Convict's Sword
- Converging murder cases in Heian-era Japan. Stands alone, but I enjoyed it
more for knowing the back-story. (Previous volumes in the
series: 1 and 2,
3, 4, 5.)
- Madeleine E. Robins, Point of Honour
- Your basic hard-boiled female private-eye detective novel, which also
happens to be a historical mystery and a Regency romance; the charming
love-child of Jane Austen, or perhaps Georgette Heyer, and Dashiell Hammett. I
read it in one sitting from the beginning — "It is a truth universally
acknowledged that a Fallen Woman of good family must, soon or late, descend to
whoredom" — to the end, and really want the sequel.
- (Read following up on an old review by Kate Nepveu.)
- Update: The sequel is as good.
Books to Read While the Algae Grow in Your Fur;
Enigmas of Chance;
The Dismal Science;
Pleasures of Detection, Portraits of Crime;
Scientifiction and Fantastica;
Writing for Antiquity;
The Great Transformation
Posted at September 30, 2009 23:59 | permanent link