Books to Read While the Algae Grow in Your Fur, June 2006
Attention conservation notice: I have no taste.
- Chris Eliasmith and
H. Anderson, Neural
Engineering: Computation, Representation, and Dynamics in Neurobiological
- This is one of the few ventures into describing how the brain works that is
solid and general enough that I would call it a theory. It is however
more a theory of how one would construct the optimal computational device
(adaptive control system) to get an organism through the world, given that
certain types of neurons are available, and as such all the limitations on
optimality analysis in biology apply. They apply with extra force here,
because of course the brain has to learn connections, and there are
real obstacles in the way of local learning processes producing globally
optimal outcomes. (It is, to
steal Ashby's old title, a
for a brain, not necessarily for ours.) Still, this is
really good stuff. Anyone who cares about these subjects ought to read it.
(In fact, I should probably write a full-scale review...)
- Alan Furst, Night Soldiers
- Mind candy. Just a simple country boy, sailing down the river for the
NKVD... I think this was his first novel, but can't quite tell, which is to its
credit. (See
also: earlier remarks on
- Dean Baker, The Conservative Nanny State: How the Wealthy Use the Government to Stay Rich and Get Richer
- Convincing portrait of modern conservative economic policy as a series of
quite blatant attempts to selectively interfere with the workings of the free
market, so that certain groups enjoy economic rents at the expense of the rest
of the population. (Or: class struggle, a phrase he never uses.) My biggest
complaint: the best econometric studies I know
(e.g., L. G. Kletzer's)
say that the growth of trade accounts for about a quarter of the loss of
manufacturing jobs in the US in recent decades, the rest being (pretty much)
due to increased productivity, so it's not clear how much impact trade in
manufactured goods, but not in professional services, has on income inequality;
I wish Baker had talked about this. (Of course, manufacturing wages haven't
gone up at anything like a rate corresponding to productivity gains, which is
in a larger sense Baker's point. I could well imagine --- but have no
evidence to back this up --- that even if trade does not account for a lot of
job-loss in the U.S., the fact that employers could threaten to relocate any
particular plant overseas would serve to hold down wages. And the threat would
only have to be credible to employees, not actually
- Full-text free online
under Creative Commons, intellectual property rights being Exhibit C in Baker's
case (after trade and Federal Reserve policy).
- Charles C. Mann, 1491:
New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus
- Popular account of recent work by anthropologists, archaeologists,
geographers, etc., on the nature, extent and impact of pre-Columbian
civilizations in the Americas. Well-written, mostly convincing, and good at
pointing out where there are controversies and why. It did strike me as
reaching in a few places (e.g., on his evidence, I fully buy that the Aztecs
had a very sophisticated literary tradition, but that's not philosophy on the
level of ancient China, Greece or India). Still, very much recommended.
- Stephen King, The Dark Tower
- The end of the story of Roland, the last gunslinger, and his quest for the
Dark Tower. There are two endings; both made me want to cry. "There I will
sing all their names..."
Books to Read While the Algae Grow in Your Fur;
Minds, Brains, and Neurons;
Writing for Antiquity;
Scientifiction and Fantastica
Posted at June 30, 2006 23:59 | permanent link