Cosma's Student Evaluations   Previous   Next

Student Comments, Physics 207, Fall 1997

Cosma is an excellent TA, especially considering how poor our lectures are. He does a nice job reteaching material we were supposed to have learned in lectures in a much better way than Professor Erwin. In fact, I am certain that the entire class would be doing much better if Cosma were running the lectures & exams.

Cosma is a great TA. He is patient & always gives me help when I need it, at office hours, lab, and class. His extra lectures are more informative about the basics of the course than Professor Erwin's lectures. Thank you!

Cosma is an overall effective teaching assitant. He is very patient with all the frustrated students.

Cosma has one of the most comprehensive knowledge [sic] I have yet encountered and has a great attitude toward his students. His dry humor and approach to teaching is much welcomed and for this reason he's the best teacher I've ever had. [!]

I think I understand more about this course in the discussions than the lectures. Thanks to Cosma.

Cosma is a very good teacher. It is too bad that he will not be teaching next semester. If he wants to be a professor, you ought to let him. Give him a fat Christmas bonus.

Very useful in discussion. His explanations were more useful than the professor's. He's an indispensable asset to the class.

Cosma is very good at explaining things so that the not-so-bright students (like me) can understand them.

Cosma is an excellent TA, his discussions & review sessions were very helpful. Unfortunately, he has seemed to lose his patience with questions witch [sic] seemed easy to him, on occasion. [Seemed nothing. Guilty as charged. CRS]

Cosma does a decent job considering how terrible Professor Erwin is. His willingness to give a Friday lecture (which Erwin doesn't do) shows that he is motivated to help us understand the material. During discussion, he constantly has to do more than most TAs normally do, since everyone comes to class hopelessly confused because of Erwin's worthless lectures. Cosma has the bad habit of not returning papers in any reasonable time & not explaining problems adequately as he works them.

Cosma knows the material very well and can provide many different explanations for a problem. In my three years at the UW Cosma is one of the top two TA's. His humor makes discussion interesting and I like how realistic he is.

Cosma is an excellent TA. He shows excellent understanding of the course material and is a very effective communicator. He presents himself in a very likeable manner, yet demands the respect of the students.