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Student Comments, Physics 202, Fall 1995

Easier quizzes, speak louder and clearer, writer clearer [on the board], else excellent performance.

Excellent teaching assistant.

---He always erased the board immediately after he was done with the problem. Didn't allow enough time to write in notes.

---Assistance in lab wasn't Comas's [sic] fault, it is just that there were too many people in a section. Also, the lab consisted of two rooms. (You can only be at one place at one time).

Cosma is very hlepful in explaining material and makes students feel at ease with his understanding.

Cosma is polite and courteous. He answers questions to the fullest extent of his knowledge. He is a very effective teacher.

Wish he was a little more available outside of class.

Was very helpful with the material and very tolerant of those who either didn't understand or didn't want to understand. Overall good job done.

Cosma is a great guy, but he needs to make the students want to learn physics. Sometimes his comments are uncalled for but funny. I think he is an excellent teacher but need to calm down some of his comments. I feel that he did an excellent job this semester.

Has to learn people's names.

I don't think the physics dept understands what teaching's all about. They rush through material often. They care more about following the syllabus to a ``T'' rather than helping students understand the material!